Sunday, January 3, 2010

More than twenty years ago my husband planted a cane of the corn plant, or dracaena fragrans. I've had to dust it and pull off the dead leaves. Then a month ago the plant flowered. The blooms opened at night nearly suffocating me. If not moved or re-potted, I can look forward to the plant blooming annually.
Writing: After a year and half of work on a book, I have to compose a query letter and condense a three hundred page book to a two page synopsis only to have an agent read a sentence and decide he just didn't love my book or that it isn't the flavor of the month. Instead of wasting my time on some wild goose chase, I would rather write another novel, unraveling the mysteries of a new story. But since lightening does strike and old corn plants do occasionally blossom I will query agents with my science fiction book. (But I'm really excited about the next one.)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, okay, but we still need to revise and revise and revise and keep sending out until it finds the right home. Never give up—you owe it to your novel to never give up.
