Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why pink?

In my first conversation with Melanie about the book we thought an aversion to pink would be funny. For years Melanie would not wear pink. I only wear fuchsia and bright pink. We just aren't pastel people. In JustMe: I kept throwing pink at Elizabeth--pink work shirts, a pink dog, pink bridesmaid dresses, pink boots until she gives in and buys pink shoes. The original title for the book was "How I Learned to Live, Love, and Wear the Color Pink." It was decided by my first readers and other writers that the title was perhaps too long. The title does describe the book. Which title do you like?

Monday, November 28, 2011

JustMe cover

Wow look at that!

Seeing the book printed makes it real. But the cover means I have a color scheme. And for someone who color codes her towels to each bathroom (yes, I'm like the mom in the book--at least in that detail. She's nicer than me.) knowing my colors reassures me that I can market the book. So yes I'll be the crazy woman dressed in lime and pink selling her book. Hint: There will be no avoiding me! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

                 The Perfect Shoes

by Pam Stebbins with Melanie Stebbins

Don't you love these shoes? I'm close to finishing the process of putting a book "JustMe:"on Amazon and the cover needed a pink shoe, a great high heeled shoe. These are perfection, I can wear them without falling over and they are ruffled--a detail I had imagined but not dared to put on the page.  The shoes have to be be an omen, right? My book cover is going to be as great as it is inside. See I am learning about marketing in between trying on shoes and crossing my fingers.  

The original shoes were red. They were described by a friend over 60 as F**me shoes. A term my mother and I had heard before, but not my daughter Melanie.